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I'm feeling pret - ty.... "blah" right about now.

July 11 2007, 4:24 PM

OK. My boss' last day at the office was yesterday and I must admit, I was pretty torn up about it. I mean, she was great. Really!! NOOOW... my general manager's leaving next week! We'll have NO managers at my property what so ever! (FYI - I'm a Sales Coordinator) I was OK about being in the office by myself (I CAN HANDLE IT),  but now I'm realizing that my work is going to QUADRUPLE!!! I keep going thruogh these moods like... one minute I'm fine, catching up on MY paper work, the next minute, I'm pulled away from MY work to take care of accounting stuff like credit card disputes, researching registration cards, etc.?! I'm being pulled in 4 different depeartments with no time to actually finish what I need to be doing! It's pretty frustrating... annoying even. I wish everybody would STEP DA FUKK UP and take some of this slack like I do any time I'm needed to (I'm not bragging, either). I just needed to vent a little for today. But, ya know... What else can I do except keep my head up and continue to KICK ASS at the hotel! LOL

That is it for now and thanks for listening / reading! Until my mood changes.... B-E-Z!

Ya Girl, Storm

Posted in The Daily Moods.


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Last update Aug 6, 2007